The River Negro : Blackwaters

The Rio Negro is the largest river in the Amazon system to have its entire headwater system within the low-lying forest. This results in the main river receiving acid, peaty water with little dissolved nutrients. The colour of shallow water flowing over white sand is pale, clear, yellow. However, deep water appears dark brown, almost black. As the river carries little sediment, the beaches are sandy although the bed of the river comprises soft mud.

Black Waters
Black and clear water rivers have catchments confined within the Amazonian forest and carry little inorganic sediment. The water is the colour of weak tea, but is rather transparent because of the low sediment load. The brown colouration comes from the break-down of plant debris within the forest .

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The confluence of the Negro and Solimoes, where black and white waters meet
The confluence of the Negro and Solimoes, where black and white waters meet

A blackwater forest stream, called in Amazonia an Igarape
A blackwater forest stream, called in Amazonia an igarape

A blackwater forest stream, called in Amazonia an Igarape
A blackwater forest stream, called in Amazonia an Igarape

An aerial view of the Rio Negro above Manaus
An aerial view of the Rio Negro above Manaus

Inundation forest on the edge of the Rio Negro at high water
Inundation forest on the edge of the Rio Negro at high water

Inundation forest on the edge of the Rio Negro at high water
Inundation forest on the edge of the Rio Negro at high water

Inundation forest on the edge of the Rio Negro at low water
Inundation forest on the edge of the Rio Negro at low water

A view across blackwater inundation forest (called igapo) at high water. The photograph was taken on the edge of the Rio Negro near Manaus. Note the reflection of the clouds and trees on the water surface which in a part of the world with little wind is a common sight
A view across blackwater inundation forest at high water. The photograph was taken on the edge of the Rio Negro near Manaus. Note the reflection of the clouds and trees on the water surface which in a part of the world with little wind is a common sight

A view across blackwater inundation forest (called igapo) at high water
A view across blackwater inundation forest (called igapo) at high water